Wood Letters

Paris in the Spring

Some exciting things happening here of late.  First, a quick thank you to Lifehacker for featuring my Rake Wine Glass Holder idea.  Check it out here.   

Secondly, I returned home from Paris last week.  My hubby and I and some dear friends of ours were able to spend a week in Paris in the spring ~ need I say it was wonderful?  

We decided that one day of the trip the guys and gals would split off and do something we really wanted to do.  So last Saturday, Alison and I snuck away to take in the Paris Flea Market.  It was an adventure in and of itself navigating our way there via the Metro.  Once we were on sight, we made every effort to cover as much ground as possible.  Sometimes, when I'm in the moment, I'm guilty of so wanting to be in the present I fail to snap pics.  However, I did manage to take a few so I would have something to share.  

We were able to locate one vendor I had visited the last time in Paris:  Tombees du camion always has such an amazing display and carries wonderful collections of all sorts of things ~ as you can see below.

Some awesome industrial pendants and glass ones too!

Metal letters are always on my fave list.  

Wonderful oversized wood letterpress letters (Ali snagged one of these!) and a variety of charming coat hooks. 

I thought these old porcelain light switches were intriguing.  

 More cool lighting and hosiery forms.

A variety of vintage cameras grouped together.

This shop ~ Stand 29 (Antiquites & Design XXe) was also a super cool stop.  Too bad the wonderful old ladder wouldn't fit in my luggage ~ I've been on the lookout for one forever and I think I found it. 

In the back of the space were some wonderful ink drawings ~ though vintage ~ they had a very modern appeal about them.  They were done by the late artist, Francois Martin Salvat.  I'm happy to say one of these lovelies came home with me ~ be watching to see where it may end up.

After several hours of shopping it began to rain and started getting chilly.  Ali and I decided to stop in at Le Paul Bert for some refreshment (thanks Rick Steves for the recommendation ~ it was délicieux!).  *Note Ali's demure, Paris look ~ she's such a poser!


Nothing like a little hot vanilla milk to warm you up ~ it was so beautifully presented.


The soup wasn't too shabby either ~ nobody does French onion soup like the French ~ go figure!

Even the restroom was funky and stylish!  It was a fun and memorable day spent with a dear friend at the Le Marche aux puces.  Although we didn't cover near as much ground as we had hoped (as it would take days on end to see it all) we did come away with some wonderful treasures.  I'll be sharing soon!  :)  Hoping you have a good week!