Build a Better Bed

Round Top Reward

Last spring I made a trip to Round Top for a flea market excursion with some friends.  Besides getting away to have some much needed girl time, I was also on a quest for a few specific items.  I was particularly interested in finding an iron twin bed frame ~ one to fill a corner of a spare room.  The room also doubles as my home office ~ also known as myspace.  I ended up acquiring the iron bed, pictured above. for a reasonable price of only $40.00.  I cleaned the bed up and deliberated over how to incorporate it into its new surroundings.  Typically, I would never paint over perfectly good rust, but I ended up changing my mind this time around.   

I eventually had the bed sandblasted and then powder coated it a bright white. I'm sure there are plenty who would question why I painted over the rust.  It certainly wasn't something I took lightly and I gave a lot of thought to it.  But ultimately, I determined the dark bed frame ate up too much space visually ~ and quite simply the small room demanded a bed frame that would fade into its surroundings. 

It really turned out beautiful ~ I wish my photos gave it the justice it deserves.  Oh ~ and I do love the box pleated bedskirt with its covered buttons ~ it's definitely a keeper.  I found it here

I've also been considering options for the rest of the bed coverings.  For now, I've tossed an inexpensive white quilt on the bed and draped it with a ruffley tablecloth I found on sale here.  Recently, my friend Kelley, of The Hidden List, has been featuring a series on how to "Build a Better Bed" on her blog.  I've been so inspired ~ I hope to make this guest spot as luxurious and inviting as the beds I have read about.  Check them out here.

Shortly after finding the bed, I also ran across the rusty medical cabinet that is standing in as a nightstand.  My original plan was to leave its finish untouched too, but after I have lived with it for awhile... choice is to paint it a crisp, fresh white to match the bed.  I'll complete its makeover and accessorize it with clear glass knobs.  Be watching for "Before" and "After" photos.

And speaking of Round Top ~ I have more to share about the upcoming Antiques Week and some pretty exciting happenings.  I'll be back on Friday to fill you in on it, so be looking for my next post.  Until then, you might want to check out Tattered Style on Facebook where I'll be posting "Thrifted Finds of the Week."

P.S.  Thanks to the following blogs for recently featuring Tattered Style:  Handmade in TX, Etsy Fort Worth ~ "Organizing With Vintage Finds" and Etsy Fort Worth ~ "A Rake By Any Other Name."